You may want to take a new look at this article if you plan to attend the 2022 Nationals at Plas Heli. You have time to check your boat against what settings worked for the 2021 top 10 boats. Grab a cup of tea or a beer and a note pad and settle in for a great read from the best in the fleet. Thank you to everyone who contributed, it is a really interesting read and echos the inclusive nature of the class in the way that our top sailors are willing to share their tips and thoughts on what was a great event in Plymouth last July CLICK HERE
Hi everyone, I hope you have all had a great summer and are now enjoy some autumn sailing. I have been meaning to post this article for a while to introduce you all to the "Rudder Winglet" that was initially introduced by Matt Biggs at the 2020 inlands. The Winglets are a class legal modification and may help to prevent rubber caviation that some of us experience in certain conditions when its a bit windier. Take a look and see if its something you fancy giving a try - Just Click Here
I am still working on the Nationals top 10 article - keep an eye out as it should be coming soon!!!!
Hi all, probably the most important tips to get you prepared for the main event of the year "A Guide to Sea Sailing". This article has been produced using all the information and video links provided by Alistair Goodwin for the cancelled Exmouth training event, subsequently held as a virtiual session, thank you Alistair. its a must read for everyone, upwind, downwind, tacking, gybing, gate starts...its all there.
See the latest article on the technical page - Latest Tips, Or Click Here
Hi all, another tip to get you prepared for the the main event of the year "Raked Rudder blade Position", this article explains why we have been raking the rudder blade forwards and how to set it up if you want to do the same.
See the latest article on the technical page - MK1 & MK2 Modifications/General Modifications, Or Click Here
Welcome to the latest technical 'Top Tips' from our Technical Adviser Gavin Young. This article focuses on YOU, yes YOU. Not the boat, not the course, not the colour of your cleats but actually YOU. Hope you enjoy the latest article on Self Improvement
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