About the boats

Supernova Dinghy

The Supernova dinghy was born in 1996 from a collaboration between Frank Puranik, then Lightning 368 Class Chairman, and Mark Giles, the Lightning designer. Their goal was to create a larger, faster single-handed racing dinghy that would offer a unique blend of features. The result was a sleek new boat with a stayed, foredeck-mounted bendy mast and an 8m² fully-battened sail, controlled by just three lines (kicker, clew outhaul, and cunningham) for simple adjustments on the water.

Over the years, carefully managed evolution has kept the boat up to date. The major changes were the move to full epoxy construction, a self-draining cockpit, and then, in 2024, a new, modern sail plan.

The Supernova suits sailors weighing 60-95kg, and adapts easily to varying wind strengths. The hull volume and shape make a stable platform for the rig, with little tendency to bury the bow or to gripe to windward.

The Supernova's price and performance set it in the middle ground of dinghies, being quick and exciting without need for wings or a trapeze, easy to sail for a novice but satisfying for an expert. There's a very well attended open meeting programme at enthusiastic clubs up and down the country, including a separate series in Scotland. Entries at the National Championships usually exceed 80 boats, with friendly competition at every level.

The Supernova is a strict one design in respect of the hull, sail and foils but there is some freedom to change fittings and ropes. The boom is relatively high and the self-draining cockpit is roomy. With the standard arrangement of a centre mainsheet and the side-deck control lines, all adjustments come easily to hand. 

Capsizing presents few difficulties. From the water it is easy to reach the toe strap or centre rope bridle to permit a quick reentry, and the cockpit drains fully and quickly once upright. The hull volume is sufficent to support the crew plus a passenger for non-racing use.

In 2025 a new, smaller sail was introduced aimed at lighter or less adventurous sailors.

So it's a great boat! Please explore our website and feel free to contact the Class Association or the builder for more information. If you're interested in having a go, we have an excellent loan boat - see the menu at the top for how to book the loan boat.