Gav's Tip Bit 10

Hope you have all had plenty of time to wash, polish and tinker with your boats during lockdown.  Here are some alternative rigging ideas that you may be interested to see, they may even spark some new ideas you would like to try out, another great example of how you can personalise your boat.

Gav's Top Tip Page

Gav's Tip Bit 9

Ever wondered why your sail is still inverted half way down the run on a windy day, what happens if you don't have a swinging spreader set up or how much kicker to put on.....well this might help.

Gav's Top Tip Page

Gav's Tip Bit 8 now released

If you ever get fed up with all the rudder control line mess and cleating one line when your trying to pull the other.....you need a coninous rudder control ine. This tip bit walks you through the set up and how rig it up. happy playing.

Gav's Tip Bit 8

Cotswold 2020 Noble Marine Traveller Series Open Report

The Cotswold 2020 Noble Marine Traveller Series Open Report can now be seen at



All events cancelled until the nationals. Sorry.

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Gav's Tip Bit 7

Here it is the first tip of 2020 - Have you ever had your control line slip out of the cleat after you have pulled it on, well here's why it happens and how to fix it. Visit Gav's Tip Bits on the Technical page.

Gav's Tip Bit 7